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D'Arno Gallery

Saelan Wangsa

Profile –

Saelan Wangsa is an architect and photographer born in Sungailiat on July 26, 1957. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Tarumanagara University and is a member of the Indonesian Institute of Architects. Since 2005, he has been an active member of the Jakarta Photo Club and manages its official website. His photography experience includes attending various seminars, such as Hi-Fashion & Beauty Digital Photography by Sarah Silver (2003), Still Life & Portrait by Dennis Savini (2003), and Conceptual & Visualization by Gerard Adi & Teddy Suriady Lim (2005). He also worked as a photographer for The Scene Special program on Lativi and has participated in several exhibitions, including those at Plaza Indonesia and Senayan City (The Light, 2007). Additionally, he founded Novel Moment Photography and Fotogenic Studio. Saelan has won multiple photography awards, including 3rd place at the Indonesia Photo Salon (2006), 1st place in the BL Photo Competition (2009), and 3rd place and Honorable Mention in the Design Photo Competition (2009). He has also served as a judge for numerous photography competitions, such as the Indonesia Photo Salon (Malang & Bandung), the Sketsa Untar Photo Competition (2009-2012), the IPB Photo Competition (2012), and the Okezone Photo Competition (2012). Furthermore, he has been a speaker at various photography workshops, including those at Focus Nusantara (2011-2012) and Samafitro (2011).


Saelan Wangsa adalah seorang arsitek dan fotografer yang lahir di Sungailiat pada 26 Juli 1957. Ia meraih gelar Sarjana Arsitektur dari Universitas Tarumanagara dan merupakan anggota Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia. Sejak 2005, ia aktif sebagai anggota Jakarta Photo Club dan mengelola situs web komunitas tersebut. Pengalamannya di bidang fotografi mencakup berbagai seminar seperti Hi-Fashion & Beauty Digital Photography oleh Sarah Silver (2003), Still Life & Portrait oleh Dennis Savini (2003), serta Conceptual & Visualization oleh Gerard Adi & Teddy Suriady Lim (2005). Ia juga pernah menjadi fotografer untuk acara The Scene Special di Lativi dan berpartisipasi dalam berbagai pameran, termasuk di Plaza Indonesia dan Senayan City (The Light, 2007). Selain itu, ia mendirikan Novel Moment Photography dan Fotogenic Studio. Saelan telah memenangkan berbagai penghargaan, seperti Juara 3 Salon Foto Indonesia (2006), Juara 1 Lomba Foto BL (2009), serta Juara 3 dan Harapan dalam Lomba Foto Design (2009). Ia juga aktif sebagai juri di berbagai kompetisi fotografi, termasuk Salon Foto Indonesia (Malang & Bandung), Lomba Foto Sketsa Untar (2009-2012), Lomba Foto IPB (2012), serta Lomba Foto Okezone (2012). Selain itu, ia menjadi pembicara dalam berbagai workshop di Focus Nusantara (2011-2012) dan Samafitro (2011).

Sabtu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Minggu: 09am ‒ 05pm

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Jl Papandayan No 8 Bukit Sentul, Desa/Kelurahan Cijayanti, Kec. Babakan Madang, Kab. Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat Kode Pos: 16810